Piatt County Logo



Debbie Marshall


Elected 2018


Phone:  (217) 762-4866

Software:  Devnet

Population  16,445

Zone:  III


Welcome to Piatt County, Illinois. Enjoy online payment options for your convenience!

The 2018 payable 2019 Real Estate Tax Bills have been released!

Installment #1 is due on or before June 20, 2019

Installment #2 is due on or before September 3, 2019

Pay Online:

Credit Card and e-Check are accepted for Internet Transactions. When paying property taxes by parcel number please enter the 14 digit parcel number which appears at the top of either payment stub.  Access at www.piattcounty.org.

Assessment/Board of Review:

Please contact the Assessor's Office with any questions. 217-762-4266

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30.


Holiday Closings:

January 1, 2019  New Year's Day           

January 21, 2019 Martin Luther King Jr. Day

February 12, 2019  Lincoln's Birthday

February 18, 2019  Presidents' Day

April 19, 2019 Good Friday

May 27, 2019  Memorial Day

July 4, 2019  Independence Day

September 2, 2019 Labor Day

October 14, 2019  Columbus Day

November 11, 2019  Veterans' Day

November 28, 2019  Thanksgiving Day

November 29, 2019  Day Following Thanksgiving

December 24, 2019 Christmas Eve

December 25, 2019  Christmas Day

Contact Information:

  • Property Tax..............(217) 762-4866
  • Fax.............................(217) 762-7626
  • Email.......................... dmarshall@piattco.org
  • County Website...........www.piattcounty.org
  • Office Staff
  • Chief Deputy Treasurer...........................Jeff Colbert
  • Deputy Treasurer.......................................Laurie Birch

Our Location:

Piatt County Treasurer’s Office
101 W. Washington Street
Monticello, IL 61856